Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

import re
from django.template import Template
from django.template.context import Context

from rest_framework.request import clone_request
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.viewsets import GenericViewSet

from import CurrentPageMiddleware

from .serializers import NavigationNodeSerializer

class CurrentPageAPIContextMixin(CurrentPageMiddleware):
    Returns a Context object with a clone of the HttpRequest.
    The request clone is ran through the ``CurrentPageMiddleware``
    before returned.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(CurrentPageAPIContextMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.context = Context()

    def get_context(self, request):
        request = clone_request(request, request.method)

        if "current_page" in request.GET:
            # Runs through regex in order to clean up potential double quoted strings.
            request.path = request.path_info = re.sub(r'^"|"$', '', request.GET["current_page"])

        self.context["request"] = request
        return self.context

[docs]class ShowMenuViewSet(CurrentPageAPIContextMixin, GenericViewSet): """ API Endpoint which calls the ``{% show_menu %}`` tag and returns a serialized list of ``NavigationNodes``. The following query parameters will be used to construct the argument list which will be passed to the template tag. ===================== ================================================================ Query parameters Description ===================== ================================================================ start_level (int): Specify from which level the navigation should be rendered. end_level (int): Specify from which level the navigation should stop rendering. extra_inactive (int): Specifies how many levels of navigation should be displayed \n if a node is not a direct ancestor or descendant of the current \n active node. extra_active (int): Specifies how many levels of descendants of the currently \n active node that should be displayed. namespace (str): The namespace of the menu. If blank, all namespaces will be used. current_page (str): URL for the page that should be considered the `current_page` \n when rendering the context. ===================== ================================================================ """ serializer_class = NavigationNodeSerializer def render_context(self, context): """ Render and return the context """ args = ("{start_level} {end_level} {extra_inactive} " "{extra_active} {template} {namespace}").format( start_level=self.request.GET.get("start_level", 0), end_level=self.request.GET.get("end_level", 100), extra_inactive=self.request.GET.get("extra_inactive", 0), extra_active=self.request.GET.get("extra_active", 1000), template='"menu/menu.html"', namespace='"%s"' % self.request.GET.get("namespace", ""), ) template = Template( "".join(("{% load menu_tags %}{% show_menu ", args, " %}")) ) template.render(context) return context def get_queryset(self): """ Retrieve the list of menu items for the menu. """ context = self.render_context(self.get_context(self.request)) return context["children"] def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Serialize and return the queryset. The menu list are never paginated. """ queryset = self.filter_queryset(self.get_queryset()) serializer = self.get_serializer(queryset, many=True) return Response(
[docs]class ShowMenuBelowIdViewSet(ShowMenuViewSet): """ API Endpoint which calls the ``{% show_menu_below_id %}`` tag and returns a serialized list of ``NavigationNodes``. The following query parameters will be used to construct the argument list which will be passed to the template tag. ===================== ================================================================ Query parameters Description ===================== ================================================================ root_id (str): Specify the ID of the root node. start_level (int): Specify from which level the navigation should be rendered. end_level (int): Specify from which level the navigation should stop rendering. extra_inactive (int): Specifies how many levels of navigation should be displayed \n if a node is not a direct ancestor or descendant of the current \n active node. extra_active (int): Specifies how many levels of descendants of the currently active \n node that should be displayed. namespace (str): The namespace of the menu. If blank, all namespaces will be used. current_page (str): URL for the page that should be considered the `current_page` \n when rendering the context. ===================== ================================================================ """ def render_context(self, context): """ Render and return the context """ args = ("{root_id} {start_level} {end_level} {extra_inactive} " "{extra_active} {template} {namespace}").format( root_id='"%s"' % self.request.GET.get("root_id", ""), start_level=self.request.GET.get("start_level", 0), end_level=self.request.GET.get("end_level", 100), extra_inactive=self.request.GET.get("extra_inactive", 0), extra_active=self.request.GET.get("extra_active", 1000), template='"menu/menu.html"', namespace='"%s"' % self.request.GET.get("namespace", "") ) template = Template( "".join(("{% load menu_tags %}{% show_menu_below_id ", args, " %}")) ) template.render(context) return context
[docs]class ShowSubMenuViewSet(ShowMenuViewSet): """ API Endpoint which calls the ``{% show_sub_menu %}`` tag and returns a serialized list of ``NavigationNodes``. The following query parameters will be used to construct the argument list which will be passed to the template tag. ===================== ================================================================ Query parameters Description ===================== ================================================================ levels (int): Specify how many levels deep the sub menu should be rendered. root_level (int): Specifies at what level (if any) the sub menu should have its root. nephews (int): Specifies how many levels of nephews (children of siblings) that \n should be displayed. current_page (str): URL for the page that should be considered the `current_page` \n when rendering the context. ===================== ================================================================ """ def render_context(self, context): """ Constructs the template tag arguments and render it. Returns the context. """ args = "{levels} {root_level} {nephews}".format( levels=self.request.GET.get("levels", 100), root_level=self.request.GET.get("root_level", None), nephews=self.request.GET.get("nephews", 100) ) template = Template( "".join(("{% load menu_tags %}{% show_sub_menu ", args, " %}")) ) template.render(context) return context
[docs]class ShowBreadcrumbViewSet(ShowMenuViewSet): """ API Endpoint which calls the ``{% show_breadcrumb %}`` tag and returns a serialized list of ``NavigationNodes``. The following query parameters will be used to construct the argument list which will be passed to the template tag. ===================== ================================================================ Query parameters Description ===================== ================================================================ start_level (int): After which level should the breadcrumb start? ``0`` equals home. only_visible (int): Numeric boolean value(0 = False, 1 = True). To include all \n pages, use ``only_visible=0``. current_page (str): URL for the page that should be considered the `current_page` \n when rendering the context. ===================== ================================================================ """ def get_queryset(self): context = self.render_context(self.get_context(self.request)) # We don't want nested children in the breadcrumb context. # This should be a flat structure. for node in context["ancestors"]: del node.children return context["ancestors"] def render_context(self, context): """ Constructs the template tag arguments and render it. Returns the context. """ args = "{start_level}".format( start_level=self.request.GET.get("start_level", 0) ) template = Template( "".join(("{% load menu_tags %}{% show_breadcrumb ", args, " %}")) ) template.render(context) return context